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Showing posts from August, 2012


  I love these paintings by American artist, Sandra Kuck.  She specialises in painting Victorian children and cherubic angels. Her pursuit of perfection, and her attention to detail allows her to paint only eight to ten pieces per year. I think they're fantastic; they look like photos.  I wish I could paint like this.  I guess I won't know if I can until I try....I'm going to try! See more interesting paintings


Here's a sneak preview of a painting I'm working on at the moment.  It's a painting of King John's Castle and is my interpretation of an early ninteenth century colour printed illustration by William H.Bartlett, originally a steel engraving which would have been published uncoloured.  Bartlett's engraved views were widely copied by artists but no signed oil painting of this picture, by his hand, is known. I'm painting it for my mother-in-law who loves the print version that she has but couldn't frame it successfully because someone folded it and ruined it!!    So here's the beginning's of what will hopefully become a painting that my mother-in-law will love just as much as the print.  Don't worry Nan, this isn't the finished version, it's just the underpainting! WATCH THIS SPACE for the finished painting!


Here are some Illusion Paintings by mexican artist, Octavio Ocampo that I really love. There is much more to some things than you initially perceive. My daughter thinks they're creepy and I can get how she sees that but it just goes to show how people perceive things differently.  As they say "One man's trash is the other man's treasure"! Question:    Did you know that Hitler could paint ?


I just found a photo of my kids height chart that I painted behind the door of what used to be our toyroom. I painted it when my son was three years old and measured my kids against it every year after until they were 11 years old.  We painted over it a few years ago and I'm so glad I took a photo beforehand...memories. I notice that my daughter was at least an inch taller than my son at the same age, from 6yrs onwards.  She was the same height at 10yrs as he was at 11yrs and was over an inch taller at 11yrs than he was at the same age. But it's all irrelevant now, he's fifteen, she's twelve and they're both taller than me.  I'm the smallest in the house now...but i'm still the boss! husband said I could be!