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Showing posts from December, 2012


Do you want to know what kind of reading material resides on Bill Gates' bedside locker? Do you want to have a sneaky look inside the mind of one of the most compelling men of the 21st century? Do you want to peruse through a list of the top ten books that made him think in 2012? Then here you go... 1. The Better Angels Of Our Nature:         Why Violence Has Declined           by Steven Pinker A controversial history of violence. Faced with a ceaseless stream of news about war, crime and terrorism one would think we lived in the most violent age ever seen but Steven Pinker shows that just the opposite is true. 2. Deng Xiaoping             by Ezra Vogel    Deng Xiaoping was a politician and reformist leader of the communist party of China and perhaps no-one in the 20th century had a greater long-term impact on world history. Ezra Vog...


Here's a sneaky look at the painting I'm working on at the moment. I've been sitting on it for ages because I just haven't had the time to finish it. I wish I could sit down and paint all day, every day because there's so many subjects on my 'To Paint' list and I'm itching to start them. I hope to be finished it before Christmas so I can get cracking on my next one. This is a painting based on an old photo of my son when he was a baby sleeping in my hubby's arms. I decided to paint it mainly in black & white but with some colour added in the blue blanket and on his lovely pink lips, just to be a bit quirky. It's miles away from being finished yet but hopefully I'll get at it again soon, so please don't judge it yet. Baby Boy - Work In Progress