Do you want to know what kind of reading material resides on Bill Gates' bedside locker? Do you want to have a sneaky look inside the mind of one of the most compelling men of the 21st century? Do you want to peruse through a list of the top ten books that made him think in 2012? Then here you go...
1. The Better Angels Of Our Nature:
Why Violence Has Declined
by Steven Pinker
A controversial history of violence.
Faced with a ceaseless stream of news about war, crime and terrorism one would think we lived in the most violent age ever seen but Steven Pinker shows that just the opposite is true.
2. Deng Xiaoping
by Ezra Vogel
Deng Xiaoping was a politician and reformist leader of the communist party of China and perhaps no-one in the 20th century had a greater long-term impact on world history. Ezra Vogel disentangles the many contradictions embodied in the life and legacy of China's boldest strategist.
3. The Quest
by Daniel Yergin
A gripping account of the quest for the energy that our world needs, Yergin shows us how energy is an engine of global, political and economic change.
4. Moonwalking with Einstein
by Joshua Foer
A revelatory exploration of the vast hidden impact of memory on every aspect of our lives. In every way that matters, we are the sum of our memories.
5. Behind The Beautiful
Forevers:Life,Death and Hope in a
Mumbai Undercity
by Katherine Boo
From Pulitzer prizewinner, Katherine Boo, a landmark work of narrative non-fiction telling the dramatic and sometimes heartbreaking story of families striving towards a better life in one of the 21st century's great unequal cities.
6. One Billion Hungry: Can We Feed The
by Gordon Conway
Hunger is a daily reality for one billion people. Sir Gordon Conway explains the many interrelated issues critical to our global food supply from the science of agricultural advances to the politics of food security.
7. A World-Class Education
by Vivien Stewart
Designed to promote conversation about how to educate students for a rapidly changing, innovation-based world. The book focuses on understanding what the world's best school systems are doing right for the purpose of identifying what U.S. schools at the national,state and local level might do differently and better.
8. Academically Adrift
by Richard Arum & Josipa Roksa
More and more students go to college every year. Almost everyone strives to go but almost no-one asks the fundamental question posed by Academically Adrift; are undergraduates really learning anything once they get there?
9. This Time is Different: Eight Centuries
of Financial Folly
by Carmen Reinhart & Kenneth Rogoff
A comprehensive look at the varieties of financial crises. The book guides us through eight astonishing centuries of government defaults,banking panics and inflationary spikes.
10. The City That Became Safe: New
York's Lessons for Urban Crime and
its Control
by Franklin Zimring
A comprehensive investigation into New York City's falling crime rates. An eighty percent drop over nineteen years.
Did you know that Bill Gates, as well as being an entrepreneur, software executive, philanthropist, one of the world's richest men and chairman and founder of Microsoft, can also boast of being a published author. Below is a peek at his books.
The Road Ahead
by Bill Gates
A bird's-eye view of the undiscovered territory on the information highway.
Business @ The Speed of Thought
by Bill Gates
Bill Gates discusses how technology can help run businesses better today and how it will transform the nature of business in the near future.
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