Here's a quick peak at what I'm working on at the moment. I bought myself a new gold paint for a treat (a toss up between that and a bottle of wine, paint won but went back for the wine too!...and believe it or not, the paint was more expensive than the bottle of wine.) I wanted to try it out so this should be a golden nightime beach view when it's finished, I hope...if I can get the shine right on the moon and the reflections. Hope to have it finished soon so check in to see it in a few days, unless it all goes t*ts up!
Here's a quick peak at what I'm working on at the moment. I bought myself a new gold paint for a treat (a toss up between that and a bottle of wine, paint won but went back for the wine too!...and believe it or not, the paint was more expensive than the bottle of wine.) I wanted to try it out so this should be a golden nightime beach view when it's finished, I hope...if I can get the shine right on the moon and the reflections. Hope to have it finished soon so check in to see it in a few days, unless it all goes t*ts up!
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